

48 Bd Saint-Germain, 75005 Paris

5 avis
5 Commentaires
Indications de direction
R9X2+W3 Paris
01 43 25 59 50
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Lundi: Fermé
Mardi: 10–14
Mercredi: 10–14
Jeudi: 10–14
Vendredi: 10–14
Samedi: 10–14
Dimanche: Fermé
Écrire un avis
Julien REMY
Julien REMY2 il y a des années
Un magasin remplie de choses très sympathique le bonne endroit pour trouvez un petit cadeaux qui fera toujours plaisir pour tout les prix idéale pour les cadeaux de noël sans compter la vendeuse souriant est de bon conseil ! je vous le recommande vivement.
Renee Ristau
Renee Ristau2 il y a des années
Worst customer experience I've ever had. I bought a purse here and within 2 months the stitching came loose and it completely fell apart. Cheap production. I went back to the store to see if they could fix it, replace it, or offer me a gesture (percentage off on my next purchase). When I walked into the store there was no one in it. I called out to see if anyone was there and I could hear someone talking on the phone downstairs. Clearly not bothered that there were any customers. The woman came upstairs, still on her phone on a personal call. She refused to put the phone down and looked at me like I, the customer, was disturbing her! I asked her if I could ask her a question and she refused to put down her phone. Kept it to her ear the whole time. I nicely explained the situation and asked what she could do to help. Offer me some sort of solution. Customer service 101. She became defensive and made me feel like I was crazy because 1)I walked into her store and hence was disturbing her while on her private call 2)that this is the first time she has ever heard of this. (she kept repeating that over and over again)

She defensively and with anger said that the manufacture couldn't fix it, she couldn't fix it, and she couldn't replace it. She said this isn't a 'service apes vente'.

Needless to say, don't come here expecting quality goods or customer service. Expect to enter the store as if you are a disruption to their personal time. I don't see how this place has any customers at all.

At a minimum, some sort of gesture should have been implemented. As in a offer on my next purchase if no other solutions were available. Customer service standards need to be raised here.
Insa Grosch
Insa Grosch2 il y a des années
Patrizia Palughi
Patrizia Palughi2 il y a des années
Florentina FREDET
Florentina FREDET2 il y a des années
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